Stop harassment: A guide for CUPE locals

Harassment and other forms of violence undermine our solidarity as workers. A united union membership that challenges harassment is stronger and able to make gains elsewhere too. CUPE has been successful in advocating for healthy, safe and respectful workplaces. This guide provides information and ideas to help locals continue that progress.

This guide is for local union stewards, officers and other activists.

It covers:

  • The definition of harassment.
  • The effects of harassment.
  • An overview of workers’ rights and employers’ responsibilities.
  • How the union can challenge harassment and support members.
  • A checklist for anti-harassment policies and collective agreement language.

2015 Vacation Reminder

Just a reminder to everyone (including those on leave) your 2015 vacation requests are due February 1, 2015.  If you require the Time off Request form please email and it will be sent to you.



Tara Veri


The Union will be sending $100 towards Alexis Veri’s Trust Fund until she becomes 18 yrs old.

Trust Fund Acct.#92452-010-3624Untitled

Welcome to CUPE Local 1766

We would like to welcome all of our members to our new website.  This site will be a venue to receive updates, see upcoming meetings and event dates; locate our Collective Agreement; a full listing of your Union executive; CUPE forms; and much, much more.

If you have any suggestions or would like to see something included on this site please send us a message, we would love the feedback.  We hope you will find this information helpful.

In Solidarity,

Union Executive

CUPE Local 1766